Greenleas Handcrafts information blog: June 2022

  • It is definitely winter again with rain, rain and even more rain locally. However the Market continues to have many visitors and I am always delighted to see past customers who come to say Hello and sometimes to purchase something new for themselves or as a gift.

    As I said on the Home Page I will be taking my winter break, as I do each year, from the 2nd week of July. I will be back in my corner from Saturday 1 October.

    I have decided to stock some Comfy Lap Quilts for adults. It was mentioned to me that while I have children's quilts I don't have anything quite long enough for their Senior family members who spend time in their recliners or wheelchairs. With this in mind I will be developing a range of longer quilts that should cover their owner's feet when sitting in an armchair. I hope to have a colourful range at the beginning of my new season in October.

    So I have only 3 more weeks of this season left - Saturday 18, 25 June and 2 July. I will look forward to seeing you then or else in October.

    All the best
    Posted: Friday 17 June 2022

Welcome to the Greenleas Handcrafts website.

 I sell only from the Matakana Market or directly from home - see the Contact Us page for details.

 All items are made by me in my workroom in Snells Beach from very good quality cotton.

The Art Quilts are original one-off pieces. They are sometimes appliqued, sometimes they are collage with beading, painting, or  layered fabrics. Every one is unique and has a sleeve at the back for the insertion of a rod for hanging.

 The Children's Play Quilts are also individual and colourful made from hardwearing cotton. They are all fully  machine washable.

Kiwiana tableware (table mats and table runners) and wallhangings are attractive, lightweight but hardwearing.

I look forward to seeing you at the Old Dairy Factory, Matakana Market .